Our Story

In the Japanese language “Shinsei” means: Pure, Genuine, New face. That was everything that our brand can give to everyone who cares about their youthful appearance.

With age our skin becomes sensitive to some components in cosmetic products. As a highly educated food scientist with more than 30 years of practical experience in the food and beverage industry in Canada, I have decided to focus my knowledge and expertise on the qualitative improvement of my skin and to literally “save my face”.

Equipped with the knowledge in nutrition and functionality of food ingredients, applying the philosophy of “if you can eat it, you can put it on your face”, I ventured into the research and development of a genuine facial products. Shinseicosmetics™ active components quickly penetrate deep into the skin and allow it to become supple and soft to the touch.

The process of drying and aging skin can receive a healthy boost from the properly formulated skin care products like in our line Shinseicosmetics™ –amazing and wonderful products with anti-ageing effects.

Finally, I have created a skin care that works! 


1 - Shinsei Super Antioxidant Toner™

2 - Shinsei Super Active Serum™

3 - Shinsei Hyaluronic Acid™

4 - Shinsei Nourishing Face Cream™

Sustainability in Personal Care

Sustainability is embedded in the strategic thinking of our global suppliers and a crucial part of how we add value to our products for customers. We use the knowledge and science to innovate with our products to meet the needs of our customers and improve their wellbeing by contributing to the challenge. Results reflects our vision, mission and values.

We are working with suppliers that deliver ingredients using eco-designed processes, including supercritical CO2 extraction and pure processes. One of our ingredient supplier Sederma with Beauty Actives sector, has successfully passed the first stage in becoming a member of the Union for Ethical Bio Trade (UEBT). Their ingredients portfolio is made up of two-thirds natural origin products, with one third obtained through eco-designed processes, including white and blue biotechnology, supercritical CO2 extraction and plant cell culture.

In Shinsei Nourishing Cream we are using Amaranth Seed Oil (Amaranthus caudatus – Seed, dried, from organic farming) is CO2-to extracted (organic) and made in Germany by the higher industry standards.

We integrate these ingredients in a conceptual framework that advances product development based on sustainable supply chains.